Information FABRIC data examples (Group 72) – Tamir Rice and the carbon 12 atomic battle in Cleveland for control of the Carl Jung carbon molecule COLLECTIVE THOUGHTS in the sub-conscious MIND with Subodh Chandra and the EARTH sub-continent universal mind of INDIA

Information string flowcharts by Herb Zinser reviews LANGUAGE word clues about subset math and science word clues in books, newspapers, magazines, etc.

List of pages and topics … covered later with the numbered, handwritten pages


1  Tamir Rice age 12 of Cleveland and carbon 12 WARS
2   Tamir Rice  death information pointer to Tamerian Tsarnaev  of Boston
     November 22,2014 database of Tamir Rice
3  Tamir  code –> ta + mir –> Eric Berne and Tom Harris –> Transactional analysis Mirror
4  Subodh Chandra code –> sub + bod + dh–> sub-conscious MIND…..  body  ..dh = double-helix
5  James Bond molecule movies

6 James Clerk Maxwell
7  H.G. Wells ….. hydrocarbon oil wells messages
8 James Bond water molecule bonds and Waco, Texas
9 Frontier Orbitals  …… molecule  battlefield
10 President Carter carbon tiers /levels
11 4 DNA nucleotides and the 4th of July
12 Hannah Graham receives Pentagon death sentence
13 Dylann Roof provides PROOF at Emanuel African Methodist Church
14 Fort Hood double-helix battle of November 2009
15 U.S. S  Cole bombing in Aden and the parallel tragedy at Cole Hall

16 Amino acids battle at Amish school
17 Chemistry Acid and Bases molecule battle at Fort Hood  …. molecule military BASE
18 Jul 16, 2009 and the Base 16 arrest of Henry Louis Gates for Harvard errors
19 Beer Summit
20 President Obama BEER and the Whiskey of Inversness  Scotland  VIA  James Crowley

21 BEER SUMMIT  with Pentagon General Crater Ham for Hamm’s  Beer  from Minnesota

22 Monica Lewinsky and SKY  & Telescope magazine
22.5  Whitewater real estate and  the white spectrum of SunLight

23 Benjamin Lewin and Monica Lewin(SKY) genes and cotton blue jeans
24  Calvinism and determinism philosophy
25  carbon 12 planes  and the Watertown Wisconsin 12th street air plane landing

26  Emile Zola and Emile’s Pizza  …… z-axis site on EARTH
27 Carbon 12 and the electro – magnetic coupling constant 137
28 Wisconsin Aviation and Nikola Tesla earth vibrations  on the Carbon 12th Street platform
29 air plane and SYMBOL ENGINE signals
30 Zwitterion social chemistry
31 carboxylic acid battle with the police car of Deriek Crouse

32 molecule SYMBOL ENGINE   battle at Sandy Hook
33 Kennedy compound secret molecule social science   codes
34 the W  particle Boson particle WAR for control of Boston
35 the Zwitterion battles in Virginia of long-chain amphoterics
36 Monticello …molecular cell biology headquarters of Thomas Jefferson

37 Lewis DOT structure military site ..Fort Lewis
38 the CIO labor   union subset of the consciousness

39 Ray Lewis limousine codes and Microsoft Windows
40 Ray Lewis and Ray Tensing of Cincinnati
41 Microsoft WINDOWS battle  with Samuel DuBose
42  CO2  code level 2 of carbon dioxide communications molecule

43 Charlie Rose and the Einstein-Rosen bridge
44 Carbon Ortiz(CO)  code  and 2 bombs –> CO2 molecule wars in Boston

45 CO2 message processing cycle
46 Evans …  Atomic Nucleus in Boston
47 Carmen Ortiz and the rigged Boston trial
48 message RNA in Boston biochemistry

49 carbonation and pressure ..pressure bomb messages of CO2 WAR zone in Boston
50 COKE  level 2 brand name and CO2

51 Quantico    and its quantum brain problems

52 Orbital codes
53 CO2  molecules under pressure
54 COKE and Warren Buffet   FET ..  Field Effect Transistors
55  Darren Wilson and Wilson Hall physics ….. EZRA POUND and Pepsi

56 …….  2 Litter bottle of carbonation
57 carbon dioxide    and Omaha shooting at West Road mall

58 Deoxyribonucleic  acid
59 Berkshire Hathaway codes and cotton textile languages

The evolution of the living language with math and physics equations, computer science flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams. etc has resulted in a new version of LANGUAGE …… known by various terms as
the Universal Mind Language,

 Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE language, 

Carl Jung collective unconsciousness GROUP MIND expression systems of behavior and feeling that sometimes rises up to a surface level of information display ( crimes, protests, demonstrations, etc) and other language / behavior mechanics.

Books and printed news articles may contain subset messages that are embedded within the larger context of the written text.

read between the lines – Collins Dictionaries › English Dictionary
Example Sentences Including ‘read between the lines’.
Nothing was spelled out, yet everything was there for those who could read between the lines. Ashford …

In this blog post …… we shall provide information strings using WORDS and subset WORDS and see their relationship to REALITY events.

Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of  nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in BASIC math and science college textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.

Using Galileo’s suggestions of ” 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS” we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces……. the 2 CHIEF existential entities

1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, atoms, molecules, gravity fields, EARTH iron core, etc.

2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.

Maps and Territories – Rijnlandmodel

Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.

For example  ………… Charles Dickens ” TALE of 2 Cities” …..  about two worlds on the EARTH surface.

What is the 2nd world?

Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and THOUGHT  that may get a
 mathematical-physics mapping to the destination range of physical biology with human proper nouns, human activities, etc on the geography surface of EARTH …….
that is……   the EARTH surface as an information display surface using 3-dimensional vertical humans and their behavior and  daily activities.

Given the background concepts ……  let’s look at some math and science  information strings … very useful empirical data  about the structure of REALITY and its descriptive words   ……

data for those in science.

Thus … in this blog post you have some information strings  ….. the  language  fabric and its LINKS to physical reality and events.

Black Holes & Time Warps | W. W. Norton & Company › Science › Astronomy
W. W. Norton & Company

Black holes, down which anything can fall but from which nothing can return; … Kip Thorne, along with fellow theorists Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose, … tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the …

 tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the …
 tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the …
 tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the …

Information string ……. BLOG   POST

Shooting of Tamir Rice – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The shooting of Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old boy (June 25, 2002 – November 23, 2014), occurred on November 22, 2014, in Cleveland, Ohio. Two police officers …

Deaths‎: ‎Tamir Elijah Rice
Cause‎: ‎Gunshot
Date‎: ‎November 22, 2014
Location‎: ‎Cudell Recreation Center, Cle…
Apr 25, 2016 – (CNN) The city of Cleveland will pay $6 million to settle the federal lawsuit filed by the family of Tamir Rice, the 12-year-old boy killed by police …

US Attorney Carmen Ortiz  speaks after death penalty … –…us…carmenortizdeathpenalty…/3304921…
May 15, 2015 – U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz speaks after the death penalty decision handed down against Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

Carmen Ortiz  speaks after death penalty 

Carbon Orbit    death penalty  transferred to
 C = Carbon representative city of C = Cleveland to EARTH LAB human specimen of  carbon atomic mass 12   …

the Darwin selection of age 12
Tamir       Rice
….mirror    ice-berg model ERRORS of the

Justice arrogance and supremacy department

Parallel death  sentences issued by the Justice Department

of atomic mass in Massachusetts …  with  Carbon Ortiz  FEDERAL approved death orders
for all human  carbon life forms and messenger  RNA


Tamir       Rice …. super-symmetry DEATH mirrors

Tamerlan Tsarnaev – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Jump to Boston Marathon bombing, MIT killing, and carjackingTamerlan Anzorovich Tsarnaev and his brother Dzhokhar Tsarnaev planted …

Tamerlan Tsarnaev – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tamerlan Tsarnaev 

….me …………..rna agent –> Messenger  RNA agent for

Nature’s molecular social engineering …. ANGER  expression systems

he Man Who Killed Tamir Rice – Black Enterprise

Dec 30, 2015 – Loehmann will face no charges for killing 12-yr-old Tamir Rice. … His luck changed in March 2012 when he landed a job as a police officer in Independence, Ohio. … A few months later, on November 22, 2014 at 3:30 PM, Loehmann shot and killed a 12 year-old child named Tamir Rice.

Jump to Timothy LoehmannLoehmann, the man who fired the shots that killed Rice, joined Cleveland’s police force in March 2014. In 2012, he had …

Deaths‎: ‎Tamir Elijah Rice
Cause‎: ‎Gunshot
Date‎: ‎November 22, 2014
Location‎: ‎Cudell Recreation Center, Cleveland, …
The New York Times

Dec 28, 2015 – Cleveland Officer Will Not Face Charges in Tamir Rice Shooting Death …. Police Chief Calvin Williams said Officers Loehmann and Garmback …

The Plain Dealer

Jan 7, 2015 – Timothy Loehmann, the Cleveland police officer who fatally shot 12-year-old Tamir Rice in November, previously failed the written test to …

Two police officers, 26-year-old Timothy Loehmann and 46-year-old Frank Garmback,
 Frank Garmback,
 Frank Garmback,

Estate of Tamir Rice obtains new legal team that includes Subodh ……/Estate-of-TamirRice-obtains-new-legal-team-t…
Jul 15, 2015 – The Chandra Law Firm LLC – White Collar Defense Attorney … CLEVELAND, OHIO – The administrator of the Estate of Tamir Rice has engaged …

Tamir Rice Family Petitions Department of Justice to Intervene in ……
The Chandra Law Firm LLC – White Collar Defense Attorney … Representatives of the mother, sister, and estate administrator of Tamir Rice, the 12-year-old boy …

The Chandra Law Firm LLC – Timeline | Facebook › Places › Cleveland, Ohio › Law Practice
Rating: 5 – ‎9 votes
Statement of Subodh Chandra, counsel for the family of Tamir Rice, upon Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s office releasing supposed “expert reports” in an effort …

Subodh Chandra and I have never agreed on anything until now,” police union President Steve Loomis told CNN affiliate WJW, referring to the Rice family’s lawyer. “It is unconscionable that the city of Cleveland would send that bill to the Rice family.
“Truly disappointing, but not at all surprising.”

Subodh Chandra
Subodh Chandra
Sub    dh  –> Sub-conscious MIND agents and manipulators    

at the DH –>Double-Helix thought level

Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, FRS was an Indian American astrophysicist who was awarded the 1983 Nobel Prize for Physics with William A. Fowler “for his …

Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar – StarChild – NASA

Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar was born in 1910 in Lahore, which at the time was in British India. He was one of ten children born to Sita Balakrishnan and …

Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar | American astronomer |

Sub-consciousness of Nature’s  existence reflected by the EARTH geoagrphy region ….. sub-continent of India

Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar – Important Scientists – The Physics of … Chandrasekhar (or “Chandra”) was an Indian-American astrophysicist, best known for his work on the theoretical structure and evolution of stars, ..

structure and evolution of stars, ..
structure and evolution of stars, ..
structure and evolution of stars, ..

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Sent to Colorado Prison On Way to Death Row ……/bostonbombing…/tsarnaev-sent-colorado-priso…

Jun 25, 2015 – Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has been sent to a federal prison in Colorado, a preliminary stop on his way to his eventual home on death row. The U.S. Bureau of Prisons told NBC affiliate WHDH in Boston Thursday that Tsarnaev was flown from the Federal Medical Center 

Dzhokhar Tsarna  ev  –> electron volt agent of Solar Spectrum above

Carbon–carbon bond – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A carboncarbon bond is a covalent bond between two carbon atoms. The most common form … This coupled with the strength of the carboncarbon bond gives rise to an enormous number of molecular forms, many of which are important …

Molecular Structure & Bonding…/intro3.htm
Michigan State University

The bonding configurations of carbon are easy to remember, since there are only … A molecule which has one or more polar covalent bonds may have a dipole ..

Carbon–carbon (JAMES) bond  with James Clerk Maxwell EM links – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A carboncarbon bond is a covalent bond between two carbon atoms. The most common form … This coupled with the strength of the carboncarbon bond gives rise to an enormous number of molecular forms, many of which are important …

Molecular Structure & Bonding messages VIA James Bond movie / paperback books)…/intro3.htm
Michigan State University

The bonding configurations of carbon are easy to remember, since there are only … A molecule which has one or more polar covalent bonds may have a dipole ..

The Mysterious 137 – Feynman
…while alive at 37 Celsius degrees metabolism

This number is the value of the fine-structure constant (the actual value is one … very important domains of physics: electromagnetism in the form of the charge of … the observed coupling constant, e, the amplitude for a real electron to emit or …

You may have heard about this strange, dimensionless/coupling constant … Decades later, Richard Feynman, Nobel-prize winning physicist, was … It is a quantum field theory (QFT) to the electromagnetic force as QFT is to General Relativity.

Current advances: The fine-structure constant…/Constants/…
National Institute of Standards and Technology

The fine-structure constant α is of dimension 1 (i.e., it is simply a number) and very nearly equal to 1/137. It is the “coupling constant” or measure of the strength of the electromagnetic force that governs how electrically charged elementary particles (e.g., electron, muon) and light (photons) interact.

Missing: feynman

James Earl Ray was born in Alton, Illinois, on March 10, 1928. A confirmed racist and small-time criminal, Ray began plotting the assassination of revered civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. in early 1968. He shot and killed King in Memphis on April 4, 1968, confessing to the crime the following March.

following March.
following March.
following March.
following March.

James Earl Ray  ……. Optical  RAY- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 


James Earl Ray (March 10, 1928 – April 23, 1998) was an American convicted of the assassination of civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. Ray was convicted on his 41st birthday after entering a guilty plea to forgo a jury trial.

James Clerk Maxwell – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Jump to ElectromagnetismAround 1862, while lecturing at King’s College, Maxwell calculated that the speed of propagation of an electromagnetic field is …

Fields‎: ‎Physics‎ and ‎Mathematics
Notable students‎: ‎George Chrystal‎; ‎John Henry …
Nationality‎: ‎Scottish
Notable awards‎: ‎Smith’s Prize‎ (1854); Adams …

The Electromagnetic Field
The Electromagnetic Field. Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetic radiation was without doubt his greatest piece of work. It revolutionarised the way we view the …

Maxwell’s Equations and Electromagnetic – Galileo and Einstein…/…
University of Virginia
Maxwell’s four equations describe the electric and magnetic fields arising from distributions of electric charges and currents, and how those fields change in time.


……. wells 

H,G, Wells codes of year 1897  –> hydrocarbon Ground (oil) wells

…..shown above on book cover graphic …..  and below

Citizen Kane – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Citizen Kane is a 1941 American mystery drama film by Orson Welles, its producer, co-author, director and star. The picture was Welles’s first feature film.
Film à clef · ‎Xanadu · ‎Charles Foster Kane · ‎Dorothy Comingore

Citizen Kane (1941) – Rotten Tomatoes
Rotten Tomatoes

Critic Consensus: Orson Welles’s epic tale of a publishing tycoon’s rise and fall is entertaining, ….. Discuss Citizen Kane on our Movie forum! Go to Forum. View All …

Citizen Kane (1941)

 so that the most serious dramas often tended to be black and white: Citizen Kane (1941), …

serious dramas often tended to be black

serious dramas often tended to be black

serious dramas often tended to be black …..

EARTH LAB alkane molecule people representatives in experimental region by Chicago

Carmen Ortiz – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Carmen Milagros Ortiz (born January 5, 1956) is the United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts. In 2009, she was nominated to the position by …

Meet the  carbon orbit …….  U.S. Attorney  code

| USAO-MA | Department of Justice
United States Department of Justice

Mar 9, 2016 – Carmen M. Ortiz was nominated by President Barack Obama, as the United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts and confirmed by …

American frontier  .. the wild west – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Jump to The federal government and the WestThe Democrats, however, tolerated a wild scramble for land at very low prices. The final resolution came in …


This timeline of the American Old West is a chronologically ordered list of events significant to … States began securing its own frontier from the Appalachian Mountains westward for settlement and economic investment by American citizens.

Images for the wild west frontierImages for the wild west frontier …. evolution of symbol life and concepts 

Calamity Jane – The Wild West, Old West, American History, Native …

She was a frontierswoman and professional scout most well-known for being a close friend of Wild Bill Hickok’s, but also having gained fame fighting American Indians. … The love of her life was Wild Bill Hickok. … She is buried in Deadwood near Wild Bill Hickok.

Images for the wild west frontier  …. social chemistry ….
frontier orbital expressions at Cambridge university 

The DAMTP  / WEST Road agent    and   Jane Wilde

Calamity Jane – The Wild West  –> new expression format at Cambridge University with

Calamity Jane  Wild   ….   West Road  mathematical /physics calamity agent

Calamity Jane – The Wild West   relived in England ……….

with intellectual cowboys  in the 1960 to today


Nidal Hasan (NH)  …   amino acids     sentenced to death for
Fort Hood bio-chemistry molecular battle …..  shooting rampage – The ……/nidalhasanforthood…/aa…
The Washington Post

Aug 28, 2013 – Nidal Malik Hasan was sentenced to death Wednesday for killing 13 people and wounding 32 others in a 2009 shooting rampage at Fort Hood, …

U.S.  … 4 DNA nitrogen nucleotides  declares independence  from citizen and family bull-shit  

– Jul 04, 1776 – HISTORY  of molecule social expressions


On this day in History, U.S. declares independence on Jul 04, 1776. Learn more about what happened today on History.

Independence Day of the United States, also referred to as the Fourth of July or July Fourth in the U.S., is a federal holiday commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence 240 years ago in 1776 on July 4 by the …

Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan sentenced to death for killing 13 … › US News › US military

The Guardian

Aug 28, 2013 – Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan sentenced to death for killing 13 soldiers ….. the occasional exception like General Leonard Wood being rather …

Nov 19, 2009 – Nidal Hasan in the Army longer than it should have. … Carter Ham, the commander of the U.S. Army Europe, who returned to Washington this …

Carter Ham – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Carter F. Ham (born February 16, 1952) is a retired United States General who served as the second commander of U.S. Africa Command. As commander of Africa Command, he led Operation Odyssey Dawn, the initial U.S. role in the 2011 military intervention in Libya.

Carter Ham – other words  ,…….

 grammar 100  Ham  death sentence other words  ,…….

Pentagon approved Murder of
Hannah Graham – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Hannah Graham (February 25, 1996 – c. September 13, 2014) was an 18-year-old second-year British American student at the University of Virginia who went …

Cause of death‎: ‎Homicidal violence of undeter…
Height‎: ‎5 ft 11 in (1.80 m)
Disappeared‎: ‎September 13, 2014 (aged 18); …
Status‎: ‎Remains recovered October 18, 2014

Carter Ham (CH) ..Carbon Hydrogen military
 Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Carter F. Ham (born February 16, 1952) is a retired United States General who served as the second commander of U.S. Africa Command. As commander of Africa Command, he led Operation Odyssey Dawn, the initial U.S. role in the 2011 military intervention in Libya.

Carter Ham (CH) ..Carbon Hydrogen military actions 

Carter Ham (CH)  ..Carbon Hydrogen WAR regions 

–> CHarlottesville  Virginia (Hannah Graham)

–> CHarleston South Carolina

Charleston church shooting – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
WikipediaThe Charleston church shooting was a mass shooting that took place at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in downtown Charleston, South …

The Charleston church shooting (also known as the Charleston church massacre[6][7][8]) was a mass shooting that took place at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in downtown Charleston, South Carolina, United States, on the evening of June 17, 2015. During a prayer service, nine people were killed by a gunman, including the senior pastor, state senator Clementa C. Pinckney; a tenth victim survived. The morning after the attack, police arrested a suspect, later identified as 21-year-old Dylann Roof, in Shelby, North Carolina. Roof later confessed that he committed the shooting in hopes of igniting a race war.

The Charleston church

The Charleston church ….. molecule codes

The CHarleston CHurCH ……

24.3 Reactivity of Organic Molecules  code RCH  –> Reactive (site) CH

– Chemwiki › … › 24: Organic Compounds
University of California, Davis
Sep 8, 2015 – Search site … To understand the relationship between structure and reactivity for a series of … Nearly all chemical reactions, whether organic or inorganic, proceed … (R3C+) is more stable than a primary carbocation (RCH2+).

Organic Reactivity Lecture on Reactive SITE
–> RCH    of  moleucle equation code  –> church –> chu    + RCH…/organic/…/Organic_In…
Department of Chemistry, Imperial College
… of reactivity, organic and inorganic chemistry are related in spite of an historical separation. … Since this functions as its main site of reactivity it is termed the.

George Washington Carver – Botanist, Chemist, Scientist, Inventor …

George Washington Carver was a prominent African-American scientist and inventor. Carver is best known for the many uses he devised for the peanut.

George Washington Carver – Chemistry Encyclopedia – symbol › Bo-Ce

American botanist George Washington Carver was interested in industrial applications for organic raw materials. He developed hundreds of products—from …

Organic chemistry and the religion messages  of carbon molecule VIA human expression agent

– Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Organic chemistry is a chemistry subdiscipline involving the scientific study of the structure, properties, and reactions of organic compounds and organic materials, i.e., matter in its various forms that contain carbon atoms.

Charleston church elimination equation

Dylann Roof – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Dylann Storm Roof (born April 3, 1994) is an American suspected of perpetrating the June 17, 2015 Charleston church shooting. During a prayer service at …

USA Today
Jun 9, 2016 – Dylann Roof doesn’t want a jury to decide his fate. The Charleston church shooting suspect’s lawyers filed a request in federal court asking for a judge to hear the case without a jury when his trial begins in November. … Dylann Roof, the suspect charged with fatally shooting nine …

The Shooting at Charleston’s Historic Emanuel African Methodist …

The Atlantic
Jun 19, 2015 – A man suspected of killing nine people at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, including a state senator, will be charged with nine …

African Methodist

Af …….  Method     ist  –> information systems thoughts

African Methodist

African Method     —> AF  methods and shootings in 

AF    –> Afghanistan  shooting WAR  …..

in Afghanistan (2001-2014) (Archived)


Sep 1, 2015 – As ISAF expanded into the east and south, its troops became increasingly engaged in fighting a growing insurgency in 2007 and 2008, while …

2009 Fort Hood
N = Nitrogen molecule ordered N = November  shooting – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On November 5, 2009, a mass shooting took place at Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas. Nidal Hasan, a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 people and …
Shootings · ‎Casualties · ‎Shooter · ‎Reaction

Adenine | Define Adenine at

A purine base that is a component of DNA and RNA, forming a base pair with thymine in DNA and with uracil in RNA. Adenine is also part of other biologically important compounds, such as ATP, NAD, and vitamin B-12, and occurs in tea.
A purine base, C5H5N5, that is the constituent involved in base pairing with thymine in DNA and with uracil in RNA. American Heritage® Dictionary of the …

Adenine military actions in Aden – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Adenine /ˈædᵻnᵻn/ (A, Ade) is a nucleobase (a purine derivative). Its derivatives have a … Jump up ^ Definition of Adenine from the Genetics Home Reference – National Institutes of Health; Jump up ^ Plützer, Chr.; Kleinermanns, K. (2002).

Chemical formula‎: ‎C5H5N5
CAS Number‎: ‎73-24-5
Acidity (pKa)‎: ‎4.15 (secondary), 9…
EC Number‎: ‎200-79

USS Cole Bombing Fast Facts –
Sep 18, 2013 – The USS Cole sits off the coast of Yemen after a terrorist attack blew a hole in its side. … (CNN)Here is some background information about the bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen on October 12, 2000. … In October 2000, the USS Cole was attacked by suicide bombers, while in port in Aden …

USS Cole bombing – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The USS Cole bombing was a terrorist attack against the United States Navy guided-missile destroyer USS Cole (DDG-67) on 12 October 2000, while it was …

Careers in social science bull-shit   | U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) – Navy
United States Naval Research Laboratory

Find a great career at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory – the Navy’s corporate … U.S. Naval Research Lab 4555 Overlook Ave., SW Washington, DC 20375.

U.S. Naval Research

U.S. Naval Research of belly-buttons and  Ye-men –> YES-Men pussy brain systems

USA Cole shooting  

The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008. Steven Kazmierczak shot multiple people on the campus of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois, killing five people and injuring another twenty-one, before committing suicide.
The incident happened at the campus’s Cole Hall at approximately 3:05 p.m. local time.[3]

At approximately 3:05 p.m. CST, Steven Kazmierczak entered a large auditorium-style lecture hall in Cole Hall (Auditorium 101) with approximately 120 students, where an oceanography class was in session

students, where an oceanography class
students, where an oceanography class
students, where an oceanography class –> Oceania 101

Nineteen Eighty-Four – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Nineteen Eighty-Four, often published as 1984, is a dystopian novel by English author George ….. In 1984, there is a perpetual war among Oceania

1984 – Why is Oceania only at war with one other nation? – Science ……/why-is-oceania-only-at-war-with-one-other-nati…
May 11, 2014 – Eastasia and Eurasia have both, at times, been at war with both other nations. Oceania, however is always at war with only one. Why is this so?

United States Navy arrogance and superiorty problems …….
  neuron  chicken BRAINS ignore Oceania

– Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The United States Navy (USN) is the naval warfare service branch of the United States Armed Forces and one of the seven uniformed services of the United …

In 1984 Oceania is the strongest state among the three and it is allied with Eurasia against Eastasia, but , during the development of the story narrated in the …

Chemistry: What Are Acids and  Bases  … and molecule military bases? 

– Fact Monster
Fact Monster
Although I’ve told you that acids and bases aren’t hard to understand, I’ve got bad news: There are not one but three common definitions used to describe acids …

West Nickel Mines School shooting – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Jump to Amish community responseOn the day of the shooting, a grandfather of one of the murdered Amish girls was heard warning some young …

School Shooting in an Amish One-Room School. … It’s normally quiet and peaceful in the rolling Amish farmlands of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. … The shooting took place at the West Nickel Mines Amish School, located about 12 miles southeast of Lancaster City.

Charles Carl Roberts IV took hostages and shot eight out of ten girls (aged 6–13)

Charles Carl Roberts IV took hostages and shot eight out of ten girls (aged 6–13)

Charles (Darwin)   ……..   (aged 6–13

President’s  SECRET signal formats …… high  office implies SKY   –>

 the “Land of Sky Blue Waters” 
 the “Land of Sky Blue Waters” 
 the “Land of Sky Blue Waters” 
 the “Land of Sky Blue Waters”   

Hamm’s Bear – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Hamm’s Beer bear (or The Hamm’s Bear) was a cartoon mascot used in television … In a typical TV spot, the bear would dance around in a pastoral setting while the “Land of Sky Blue Waters” advertising jingle played in the background.

Hamm’s Bear – 

Hamm’s Bear –   General Carter Ham  + the BEAR

Henry Louis Gates arrest controversy – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


On July 16, 2009, Harvard University professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr., was arrested at his … and Gates in a private, cordial meeting in a courtyard near the White House Rose Garden; this became known colloquially as the “Beer Summit“.

The Boston Globe
White House beer summit — photos of the meeting between President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr., and …

Henry Louis Gates arrest controversy

On July 16, 2009, Harvard University professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr., was arrested at his Cambridge, Massachusetts home by local police officer Sgt. James Crowley, who was responding to a 9-1-1 caller’s report of men breaking and entering the residence. The arrest initiated a series of events that unfolded under the spotlight of the international news media.

The arrest occurred just after Gates returned home to Cambridge after a trip to China to research the ancestry of Yo-Yo Ma for Faces of America.[2] Gates found the front door to his home jammed shut and, with the help of his driver, tried to force it open.

On July 16, 2009
On July 16, 2009
On July 16  ….  base 16 return code …

Henry Louis Gates arrest controversy

Henry Louis Gates arr   est 

Henry Louis Gates array estimators 

oxygen President O = Obama and base 16 address space –> 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

Beer Summit – The New York Times…/31obama.html
The New York Times

Jul 30, 2009 – By HELENE COOPER and ABBY GOODNOUGH JULY 30, 2009 … The much-anticipated “beer summit” of President Obama, the Harvard …

The Daily Telegraph

President Barack Obama hosts ‘beer summit‘ for Prof Henry Gates and Sgt James Crowley. In perhaps the most … 12:04AM BST 31 Jul 2009. Mr Obama was …

Obama, Biden Sit Down for Beers With Gates, Crowley – ABC News
Obama, Biden Sit Down for Beers With Gates, Crowley … July 30, 2009 … “This is not a university seminar; it is not a summit,” Obama said of the get-together, …

Obama, Biden Sit Down for Beers With  LOGIC  Gates, Crowley
….  at Base 16  address space 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

Henry Louis Gates arrest controversy – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


On July 16, 2009, Harvard University professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr., was arrested at his ….. “Beer Summit” at the White House, July 30, 2009; from left to right: Gates, Crowley and Obama (prior to Vice President Joe Biden’s arrival). One of …

On July 16, 
On July 16, 
On July 16, ……..  a base 16  data generating event occurred….

James C. Crow  … represented by  James  Crowley  ……
Nature’s language agent in Cambridge 

 Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Born in Inverness, Doctor James C. “Jim” Crow (1789–1856) may be loosely credited as the perfecter of the sour mash process used in creating bourbon …


Old Crow is a low-priced brand of Kentucky-made straight bourbon whiskey, along with the … James C. Crow, a Scottish immigrant, started distilling what would come to be Old Crow in Frankfort, Kentucky, in the 1830s. Reportedly a very skilled …

Old Crow Whiskey, a fine Bourbon – Whiskeywise Home Page

Old Crow Whiskey, an American tradition. … In 1823, a physician called Dr. James Crow, moved to Kentucky because he was looking to start a new life because …

Crow Whiskey,

Crow Whiskey  –> Wh + Is + Key

–> White House Info systems Key 
Nature’s communications vehicle police Sargent James Crowley 

James C. Crow – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Born in Inverness, Doctor James C. “Jim” Crow (1789–1856) may be loosely credited as the perfecter of the sour mash process used in creating bourbon …

Born in Inverness, Doctor James C
Born in Inverness, Doctor James C
Born in Inverse   …… universe on earth

Inverted question mark …ask Carmen Ortiz in BOSTON ….  why?

1 Inverted Page Tables – EECS
University of Michigan

Apr 1, 2004 – Topics: Inverted Page Tables, TLBs. 1 Inverted Page Tables. 1.1 Introduction. Consider a system in which the virtual address space is 64 bits, …

memory management – How do I save space with inverted page tables ……/how-do-i-save-space-with-invertedpagetables

May 27, 2012 – The page table has to be on one block (you get the pages as in an array). You get 2 things from inverted table. The dir table is getting smaller, …

COMPUTER EARTH Base 16 address of 1600 Pennsylvania ……

the sour mash process used in creating bourbon …

the sour mash process used in creating bourbon …

the sour mash process used in creating  Harvard university events …

Harvard university bull-shit  …… incomplete explanation

…about the Henry Louis Gates sour mash process DEMO  ……
with Cambridge police department distiller agent  ……

Sargent Crowley

– Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


On July 16, 2009, Harvard University professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr., was arrested at his ….. “Beer Summit” at the White House, July 30, 2009; from left to right: Gates, Crowley and Obama (prior to Vice President Joe Biden’s arrival). One of …

Harvard University ……. 
may be loosely credited as the perfecter of the sour mash process

may be loosely credited as the perfecter of the sour mash process with Shakespearan actors Henry  Louis  Gates and Crowley

All the world’s a stage – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


“All the world’s a stage” is the phrase that begins a monologue from William Shakespeare‘s As … They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his …

exits and their entrances, And one man in his 
exits and their entrances, And one man in his 
exits and their entrances, And one man in his porch by the door in Cambridge  …..  

Sour mash – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Sour mash is a process in the distilling industry that uses material from an older batch of mash to start fermentation in the batch currently being made, analogous …

Mississippi River – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Mississippi River is the chief river of the largest drainage system on the North American ….. Post; the Big Black River in Mississippi; the Yazoo River, meeting the Mississippi at Vicksburg, Mississippi; and the Red River in Louisiana.


Mississippi River Facts – Mississippi National River & Recreation Area …

National Park Service

Mississippi River Overview The Mississippi River is one of the world’s major river systems in size, habitat diversity and biological productivity. It is the third …

Mississippi River Facts

ppi River Facts –>  parallel  processing instructions 

What is parallel processing? – Definition from › Data center facilities › Programming
In computers, parallel processing is the processing of program instructions by dividing them among multiple processors with the objective of running a p…

The simultaneous use of more than one CPU to execute a program. Parallel processing makes a program run faster because there are more CPUs running it.

Lewinsky scandal – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Second term. Campaign · 1996 · 2nd inauguration · Operation Infinite Reach · Bombing of … a sexual relationship between 1995 and 1996 with then 49-year-old President Bill Clinton and a 22-year-old White House intern, Monica Lewinsky.

Lewin ………….. sky scandal – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lewin   scandal – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Second term. Campaign · 1996 · 2nd inauguration · Operation Infinite Reach · Bombing of … a sexual relationship between 1995 and 1996 with then 49-year-old President Bill Clinton and a 22-year-old White House intern, Monica Lewinsky.

Monica Lewinsky – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
WikipediaMonica Samille Lewinsky (born July 23, 1973) is an American activist, television personality, …. News of the Clinton–Lewinsky relationship broke in January 1998. On January 26, 1998, Clinton stated, “I did not have sexual relations with that …

Harmonic waves with  monica Lewinsky 
bio-physics DEMO of oscillation equations 

Remembering the Monica Lewinsky Scandal in Pictures Photos … › US › Photos

View President Bill Clinton hugs Monica Lewinsky at a Democratic Fundraiser in Washington, DC, Oct. 23, 1996 pictures and other Remembering the Monica …

The Physics of Miracles: Tapping in to the Field of Consciousness …

Richard Bartlett, ‎Melissa Joy Jonsson – 2009 – ‎Body, Mind & Spirit

See E.T. Whittaker for proof that a “scalar potential” is actually a harmonic set of hidden … Each wave pair consists of a wave and its anti-wave (true timereversed .

A harmonic set of bidirectional longitudinal EM wavepairs.
Each …

wave pair 
wave pair 
wave pair  ……

Quantum harmonic oscillator  .. bio-physics  DEMO using oral sex- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The quantum harmonic oscillator is the quantum-mechanical analog of the classical harmonic oscillator.

An affair of state  …….

quantum state …..  social  LAB expressions and messages

– September 21, 1998 –


Sep 21, 1998 – The sexual encounters between the President and Monica …. Then Ms. Lewinsky performed oral sex on him, again until he ejaculated.

Quantum Harmonic Oscillator  with adult female women

– HyperPhysics
Georgia State University

This form of the frequency is the same as that for the classical simple harmonic oscillator. The most surprising difference for the quantum case is the so-called …

Whitewater controversy – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Whitewater controversy began with an investigation into the real estate investments of Bill and Hillary Clinton and their associates, Jim and Susan …

The Washington Post

Hillary Clinton and another Rose lawyer seek state regulatory approval for … on federal fraud charges related to his management of a Madison real estate …

The Washington Post

Friend of Bill Clinton and gubernatorial aide during Clinton’s first term, he was a partner with the Clintons in the Whitewater real estate venture and owned the …

The Washington Post
The latest news on the aftermath of the investigations of President Clinton and his … Originally appointed to investigate a failed Arkansas real estate deal .. Whitewater Special Report

Whitewater WI Tourism Council
Come discover the treasures that Whitewater has to offer! We invite you to explore the various restaurants, parks, shopping, entertainment and lodging choices …
University of Wisconsin–Whitewater

The University of WisconsinWhitewater is committed to the development of the individual, the growth of personal and professional integrity and respect for …

Calvinism and Determinism | Analogical Thoughts
Jul 11, 2014 – Philosophy and The Edge of Tomorrow … For there are many different types of determinism. Some of … historic Calvinism, as represented by the teachings of John Calvin and the major Reformed confessions and catechisms.
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

While there is much debate about which prominent historical figures were theological determinists, St. Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, John Calvin, and Gottfried …

Determinism” is a term widely used in philosophical and religious circles with varying … John Calvin occasionally used the expression “free will,” though he …

John Calvin | Theopedia

John Calvin (1509-1564) was a prominent French theologian during the Protestant Reformation and the father of the theological system known as Calvinism.

Theological determinism and the Boston  rigged  TRIAL – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Theological determinism is a form of determinism which states that all events that happen are … There are various implications for metaphysical libertarian free will as consequent of theological determinism and its philosophical interpretation.

Plane lands on 12th Street – Watertown Daily Times Online : News

Oct 18, 2011 – Plane lands on 12th Street. This view facing south on Twelfth Street shows a small airplane that was forced to make an emergency landing …

Plane lands on 12th Street –

…. the carbon molecule continuum
 …….. mathematical-physics  ……  existential physics  ….  molecular expression plane  ….. uses a data MOMENT  generating function tool ….
an airplane   ……. that   lands on the plane geometry surface of  carbon 12th Street –


Oct 17, 2011 – A small plane has landed on a street in Watertown, police say. … Watertown police told 12 News the plane landed on South 12th Street near …


Oct 18, 2011 – A small plane landed on a street in Watertown Monday afternoon. … for the report of an airplane that had landed on South Twelfth Street just south of Boomer … The plane blocked part of 12th street, near the Municipal airport.

that had landed on South Twelfth Street
that had landed on South Twelfth Street
that had landed on South Twelfth Street  ..nearby  the metal junk-yard  

Loeb Industries –

Loeb Industries is a Wisconsin company, located in 1111 S. Tenth St.; Watertown; WI

Loeb-Lorman Metals Watertown WI, 53094 – › … › Refuse Systems › Refuse Systems
Get information, directions, products, services, phone numbers, and reviews on Loeb-Lorman Metals in Watertown, WI. Discover more Refuse Systems …

Aug 7, 2015 – Archie took Institute Scrap Iron and Steel seminars at Michigan State, Kellogg Institute and UW-Wisconsin NASMI courses. He also had a lot of …

Archie Loeb was the son of Russian immigrants, Hyman and Sarah Loeb, who settled in Columbia County. He was born April 14, 1921, and died Thursday, Aug. 6, 2015.

He served his country in World War II, then worked for a brief time in Chicago before moving to Watertown in the 1940s to “help” his brother, Bill, in the family business — recycling of scrap metal.

Their father started the family business in 1923 as a junk dealer in Columbus dealing in metals, rags, paper and rubber. Under the leadership of Bill and Archie the company evolved into one of the best, safest and most respected scrap metal processors in the country, obtaining ISO and OHSAS certifications and offering honorable employment to hundreds of employees throughout the years. The business today operates yards in four cities in the Midwest.

Archie Loeb was the son of Russian immigrants, Hyman and Sarah Loeb
Archie Loeb was the son of Russian immigrants, Hyman and Sarah Loeb
Archie Loeb was the son of Russian immigrants, Hyman and Sarah Loeb …….

that had landed on South Twelfth Street
that had landed on South Twelfth Street ……the carbon 12 molecular tribes …. 

Engine trouble forces small plane to land on Watertown street | Local ……planelandwatertownstreet/article_b9008a66-…

The Daily Cardinal

Oct 17, 2011 – Two pilots who landed a small plane on a Watertown street after its. … made the emergency landing in an industrial area on South 12th Street, …

Emil’s Frozen Pizza – Pizza – 1020 S 12th St – Watertown, WI … – Yelp › Restaurants › Pizza
(920) 262-9756 · Pizza … Emil’s Frozen Pizza in Watertown, reviews by real people. Yelp is a fun and easy way to find, recommend and talk about what’s great and not so great in …

Emil’s Frozen Pizza – Pizza – 1020 S 12th St

You may have heard about this strange, dimensionless/coupling constant .
You may have heard about this strange, dimensionless/coupling constant  on 12th street

The *Magic Number* 1/137 and the Birth of Quantum Electrodynamics

You may have heard about this strange, dimensionless/coupling constant … Decades later, Richard Feynman, Nobel-prize winning physicist, was … It is a quantum field theory (QFT) to the electromagnetic force as QFT is to General Relativity.

Dec 8, 2015 – Why 137? … would like to know where this number for a coupling comes from: is it related to … -Richard Feynman QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter (1985) … reasons that 137 is the relationship of the strength of the unit electromagnetic … The fact is, the fine structure constant is not exactly 1/137.

Emil’s Frozen Pizza – Pizza – 1020 S 12th St

Loeb Metal

ebook History of Watertown, Wisconsin. Loeb’s. 1923. For us at Loeb’s, it started in Columbus, WI. In 1923. Hyman Loeb, our father, ran a small business out of .

Loeb Metal 

Loeb Metal  …external world  fe = ferrous oxide  IRON atom

Loeb Metabolism of internal   life  …. fe = ferrous oxide iron atoms

Plane lands on 12th Street – Watertown Daily Times Online : News

Oct 18, 2011 – Plane lands on 12th Street. This view facing south on Twelfth Street shows a small airplane that was forced to make an emergency landing …

Plane lands on 12th Street – Watertown Daily Times Online : News

WATERTOWN, Wis. —A small plane landed on a  EARTH water molecule expression region of Watertown …… on a concrete street Monday afternoon, police said.

Watertown police told  carbon 12 News the plane landed on South carbon 12th Street near the northeast corner of the  I/O port ….. the airport.

The plane struck a southbound C = Carbon C= Chevrolet Impala that was driven by a  copper isotope 63 agent ……  63-year-old woman.

 The car was damaged, but the woman was not injured, police said.

Police said the two people in the plane were not hurt.
The plane was towed back to a hangar at the airport.

Small plane lands on street in Watertown – Milwaukee Journal Sentinel…/small-plane-lands-on-street-in-watert…
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Oct 17, 2011 – A plane landed on an area road in Watertown Monday. … in the incident,
 which blocked part of 12th St. near the Watertown Municipal airport, …

blocked part of 12th S

blocked part of 12th S
blocked part of  carbon 12th System  ..of the atomic table

plane blocked part of 12th street, near the Municipal airport.

plane blocked part of 12th street, near the Municipal airport.

plane –> plan   e   –> plan electrons

plane blocked part of 12th street, near the Municipal airport.

Plane lands on 12th Street – Watertown Daily Times Online : News

Oct 18, 2011 – Plane lands on 12th Street. This view facing south on Twelfth Street shows a small airplane that was forced to make an emergency landing …

Plane (mathematics) – Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Simple English Wikipedia

The tool plane can be used to create a flat, level surface like the mathematical plane: therefore the name. In geometry, a plane is made up of an infinite number …


In mathematics, a plane is a flat, two-dimensional surface that extends infinitely far. A plane is the two-dimensional analogue of a point (zero dimensions), a line …

Maths Is Fun

Our world has three dimensions, but there are only two dimensions on a plane: length and width make a plane; x and y also make a plane. And a plane goes on …

What is a Plane?   ……. applied math

Parallel Planes | ClipArt ETCetc.usf.edu640 × 630Search by imagetwo parallel planes are cut by a third plane

Plane lands on 12th Street – Watertown Daily Times Online : News

Oct 18, 2011 – Plane lands on 12th Street … Following the accident, the plane, which is owned by Wisconsin Aviation Inc., was moved to the airport. Baum said .

the plane, which is owned by Wisconsin Aviation Inc

the existence  plane, which is owned by Nikola Tesla  …. Wisconsin Aviation Inc

the plane, which is owned by Wisconsin Aviation Inc

the plane, which is owned by Wisconsin Aviation Inc

 the plane, which is owned by  ………..sin  wave functions

ASN Aircraft incident 17-OCT-2011 Piper PA-28R-200 Cherokee … › ASN Aviation Safety WikiBase
Aviation Safety Network
Oct 17, 2011 – A Piper PA-28R-200 Cherokee Arrow II landed on South 12th Street, Watertown, WI, ..


Piper  –>  data pipeline

Defining an LU6.2 data pipeline connection for z/OS using APPC/MVS – IBM…ibm…/q019700_.htm

To define an LU6.2 connection there are a number of settings to configure. .

DFHZCnnnn messages – IBM…5…ibm…/dfhg4_dfhzc.html

date time applid The LU6.2 NIB and the TCTTE/BIND data for session sessid did ….. date time applid termid tranid Data received on pipeline session exceeds ……planelandwatertownstreet/article_b9008a66-…

The Daily Cardinal

Oct 17, 2011 – Two pilots who landed a small plane on a Watertown street after its. … made the emergency landing in an industrial area on South 12th Street, …

 industrial area on South 12th Street
 industrial area on South 12th Street
 ……..trial area on South 12th Street, .

the carbon 12 trial of Carmen Ortiz of Boston and Cannbridge universities

U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz speaks to the news media with Boston …
Thomson Reuters Foundation

May 15, 2015 – U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz speaks to the news media with Boston Police Commisioner William B. Evans (L) after the sentencing of Boston .

Carmen Ortiz

Carmen Ortiz  trial

Sikh Temple Killer Wade Michael Page Radicalized in Army ……/sikhtemple-killer-wademi
Southern Poverty Law Center

Nov 11, 2012 – No one knows what drove Wade Michael Page to walk into the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin on a Sunday morning last August and start shooting …


On August 5, 2012 –> 12 –> carbon 12  code —> a massacre took place at the gurdwara (Sikh temple) in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, where 40-year-old Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people …

Incident · ‎Victims · ‎Perpetrator · ‎Reactions

Zwitterion – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

in chemistry and social chemistry, a zwitterion, formerly called a dipolar ion, is a neutral molecule with both positive and negative electrical charges. Zwitterions are distinct from molecules that have dipoles at different locations within the molecule. Wikipedia
Zwitterions (the word is derived from the German for “hybrid ion”) are ions that are electrically neutral overall but contain nonadjacent regions of pos itive and negative charges; they are sometimes referred to as “dipolar ions.” The best-known examples of zwitterions are the free amino acids found in cells.

An examination of the general structure of an amino acid reveals that there are two parts, or groups, of the molecule that can function as an acid/base pair, the –COOH and –NH 2 groups. At pH values near neutrality, a protein transfer reaction takes place



Zwitterion ….
 Fort Hood code NH –> Nidal Hasan

2009 Fort Hood molecule battle  – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On November 5, 2009, a mass shooting took place at Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas. Nidal Hasan, a U.S. Army bio-chemistry  major  and psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 people and …

Shootings · ‎Casualties · ‎Shooter · ‎Reaction

On this day in 2009, 13 people are killed and more than 30 others are wounded, nearly all of them unarmed soldiers, when a U.S. Army officer goes on a shooting rampage at Fort Hood in central Texas. The deadly assault, carried out by Major Nidal Malik Hasan,



Zwitterion at Virginia TECH 

An amino acid contains both acidic (carboxylic acid fragment) and basic (amine fragment) centres. The isomer on the right is a zwitterion.

An amino acid contains

An amino acid contains
An am   contains –> 

Ambler Johnston shootings

Cho shot his first victims in West Ambler Johnston Hall. At around 7:15 a.m., Cho entered the room which freshman Emily J. Hilscher shared with another student. Hilscher, a 19-year-old from Woodville, Virginia, was fatally wounded. A
(carboxylic acid fragment)
(carboxylic acid fragment)
(car   box    fragment) –> car box –> police car
 Deriek W. Crouse to death while he was sitting in his squad car. ….. a car box –> a carboxylic  

Shooting at Virginia Tech; Officer Reported Dead [Updated

Gunman kills Virginia Tech cop on campus, then self – NY Daily News…/gunman-kills-virginiatechderiekcr
New York Daily News

Dec 9, 2011 – Police officers block a road on the Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg, Va., after Thursday’s shooting. Crouse was in the middle of a traffic stop in the parking lot near the Cassell Coliseum — home of the Hokies basketball team for the last half-century.




Sandy Hook (SH)   Elementary molecule  School shooting – Wikipedia, the free …

The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, when 20-year-old Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children …

Twenty-six people — 20 students and six adults — were shot and killed at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14. … At some point before he went to the school, investigators believe Adam Lanza, 20, killed his mother, Nancy Lanza. … The gunman shot all …

In addition to the amino acids, many other compounds that contain both acidic and basic centres tautomerize to the zwitterionic form.

tautomerize to the zwitterionic form.
tautomerize to the zwitterionic form  ……..
trauma·tize ….to the zwitterionic form.




Amino acids are the best-known examples of zwitterions.

Ami  –> Amish amino acids are the best-known examples of zwitterions.

Amish School Shooting in Lancaster PA – Lancaster PA Dutch Country › The Amish

School Shooting in an Amish One-Room School. … It’s normally quiet and peaceful in the rolling Amish farmlands of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. … The shooting took place at the West Nickel Mines Amish School, located about 12 miles southeast of Lancaster City.

West Nickel Mines School shooting – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Jump to Amish community responseOn the day of the shooting, a grandfather of one of the murdered Amish girls was heard warning some young …

In addition to the amino acids, many other compounds that contain both acidic and basic centres tautomerize to the zwitterionic form.

basic centres tautomerize to the zwitterionic form.
basic centres tautomerize to the zwitterionic form.

basic centres ta      mer     to the zwitterionic form  –> Tamer 

Tamerlan Tsarnaev – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Jump to Boston Marathon bombing, MIT killing, and carjackingTamerlan Anzorovich Tsarnaev and his brother Dzhokhar Tsarnaev planted bombs at the …

Cause of death‎: ‎Gunshot wounds‎ and ‎blunt trauma
Religion‎: ‎Sunni Islam
Parent(s)‎: ‎Anzor Tsarnaev and Zubeidat Tsarn…
Children‎: ‎1 daughter

Jump to Identification of suspects: Dzhokhar and Tamerlan TsarnaevTamerlan (front) and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev wearing a Bridgestone hat on security …

An unprecedented manhunt for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev ensued on April 19,

thousands of law enforcement officers searching a 20-block area of Watertown.
thousands of law enforcement officers searching a 20-block area of Watertown.


Kennedy Compound – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Kennedy Compound consists of three houses on six acres (24,000 m²) of waterfront property on Cape Cod along Nantucket Sound in Hyannis Port, …

History · ‎Layout · ‎See also · ‎References

Boson  VS  Boston bull-shit explanations   – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In quantum mechanics, a boson is a particle that follows Bose–Einstein statistics. Bosons make …. Standard Model of particle physics · CERN LHC Tunnel1.jpg · Large Hadron Collider tunnel at CERN. Background[show]. Particle physics · Standard Model

Proteins, Peptides & Amino Acids

Michigan State University

Lysine and arginine have basic amine functions in their side-chains; histidine and … As expected from its ionic character, the alanine zwitterion is high melting, …

arginine have basic amine functions in their side-chains

arginine have basic amine functions in their side-chains

arg  –> molecule arguments ….. have basic amine functions in their side-chains ……

Norris Hall shootings

Cho entered Norris Hall, which houses the Engineering Science and Mechanics program among others, and chained the three main entrance doors shut.

5-minute wait to enter Norris Hall (NH   molecule code) scrutinized – NBC News

Apr 25, 2007 – The gunman who carried out the massacre at Virginia Tech fired more … into the chained-shut building, which took another five minutes. … He killed himself after police shot through the doors and rushed toward the carnage.

 Zwitterion Tautomerism in Peptides

Nov 4, 2011 – 10 posts – ‎2 authors

This is the main equation describing Zwitterion tautomer … Each protein has a fixed value of isoelectric point (pI) … You see the charge could just as easily be zero at isoelectric point as balanced (the electric current is blind to …

isoelectric point as balanced (the electric current is blind to …
isoelectric point as balanced (the electric current is blind to …
isoelectric point as balanced (the electric current is blind to …

Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins

A. Conditions where the amino acid is a zwitterion. … How to calculate the isoelectric point of an amino acid given the pKa’s. …. no net charge because the amount of positive charge is exactly balanced by an equal amount of negative charge.

The Zwitterion formation makes amino acids amphoteric and allows them to donate or accept proton from the medium or solvent in which they are dissolved.

The Zwitterion formation makes amino acids amphoteric 
The Zwitterion formation makes amino acids amphoteric 
The Zwitterion formation makes amino acids amp   –> information pointer to amperage 

Remington – Essentials of Pharmaceutics:

Linda A. Felton – 2013 – ‎Medical

In general, longchain amphoterics, which exist in solution in zwitterionic form, are more surface active than are ionic surfactants having the same hydrophobic …

Remington Essentials of Pharmaceutics – Felton, Linda 2012: …

In general, longchain amphoterics, which exist in solution in zwitterionic form, are more surface active than are ionic surfactants having the same hydrophobic …

Amphoteric-5* is a long chain imidazoline type of zwitterion which is generally described as a sodium trideceth sulfate derivative of …..

Mother Earth …..  Vaginal suppository for Route 29 women in Virginia.
  • [0001]
    This invention relates to a vaginal composition useful as an agent for contraception. In particular the invention relates to a vaginal suppository useful for contraception purposes which comprises a spermicide, a suppository base, a foaming agent and a foam-stabilizing agent.

  • [0002]
    The use of spermicidal substances such as suppositories, effervescent tablets and foams for local contraception is well known in the art.

Amphoteric-5* is a long chain

Amphoteric-5* is a long chain

Amp  …… amperage is a long chain ….

Missing persons cases along U.S. Route 29 in Virginia – Wikipedia, the …


Since 1996 there has been an unusually high number of cases involving young women … Randy Taylor was later found guilty of first-degree murder in the commission of an abduction and abduction with intent to defile in connection with the …

Route 29 Stalker – Unsolved Mysteries Wiki – Wikia
A composite of the Route 29 Stalker. Real Name: Unknown Aliases: Larry Breeden Wanted For: Murder, Attempted Murder, Kidnapping Missing Since: March …

Alicia Reynolds: Route 29 murder case still unsolved | WJLA…/alicia-reynolds-route29murder-case-still-unsolved-103…
May 12, 2014 – (WJLA) – Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia, lies a wooden cross weathered by time, and some artificial flowers. “All we can do is pray for her 

Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia

Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia

Along Route 29 in Cu = Copper atomic number 29  …
.VIR –> Ohm’s law of resistance to bull-shit  

Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia
Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia

Along Route 29 in Culpeper, VIR    codes

Amperage  and molecule equivalent  …. long-chain amphoterics  | Define Amperage at

Amperage definition, the strength of an electric current measured in amperes. See more.
Medical Definition of amperage. : the strength of a current of electricity expressed in amperes.

long-chain amphoterics, which exist in solution in zwitterionic form, are more surface active

long-chain amphoterics, which exist in solution in zwitterionic form, are more surface active in Virginia with Route 29 and Nature’s expression systems

United States Department of Labor 

United States Department of Labor
Charged with preparing the American workforce for new and better jobs, and ensuring the adequacy of America’s workplaces. It is responsible for the … other words  

United States Department of Labor  and Pregnancy

United States Department of Laboratory experiments 

Charged with preparing the American workforce for new and better  blow jobs/oral sex , 

and ensuring the adequacy of America’s work   laces. It is responsible for the …

Nancy (comic strip) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Nancy is an American daily and Sunday pregnancy comic strip, originally written and drawn by Ernie Bushmiller and distributed by United Feature Syndicate. The character of Nancy, a slightly chubby and precocious eight-year-old, first appeared in the strip Fritzi Ritz about the airheaded flapper title character.

Welcome to the official site of Nancy and Sluggo and artist Guy Gilchrist. Get all the latest comic strips, news, merchandise and more.

 Drawing Lewis Dot Structures
University of California, Los Angeles

If so, your Lewis dot structure is complete. 5. If the octets are incomplete, and more electrons remain to be shared, move one electron per bond per atom to make another bond. Note that in some structures there will be open octets (example: the B of BF3), or atoms which have ten electrons (example: the S of SF5).

Pentagon sponsors joint base conference on Lewis DOT structures at  Ft. Lewis – Team McChord…/pentagon-sponsors-joint-base-conference-at-ftlewis

Jun 30, 2008 – FORT LEWIS, Wash. — More than 200 representatives from every Department of Defense military service participated in a Joint Base …

John L. Lewis – United States ..carbon  molecule  Lewis Dot structure  History

John Llewellyn Lewis was born February 12, 1880, in Cleveland, Iowa, the son of a Welsh immigrant coal miner. He became a coal miner at the age of 15 after …
Encyclopædia Britannica

The son of immigrants from Welsh mining towns, Lewis left school in the seventh grade and went to work in the mines at age 15. In the coal-mining town of …

United Mine Workers

John L. Lewis was president of the UMWA from 1920-1960. … The UMWA Fund would change permanently health care delivery in the coal fields of the nation.

COMPUTER EARTH   difference Between Anthracite Coal
and data bit Bituminous Coal

Consciousness – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Consciousness is the state or quality of awareness, or, of being aware of an external object or something within oneself. It has been defined as: sentience, awareness, subjectivity, the ability to experience or to feel, wakefulness, having a sense of selfhood, and the executive control system of the mind.

Jul 30, 2014 – Philosophers and scientists have long pondered the nature of consciousness, but only a few modern theories have the chops to explain it.
The Atlantic
Jun 6, 2016 – Michael Graziano is an associate professor of psychology and neuroscience at Princeton University. He is the author of Consciousness and the Social Brain.

How Did Consciousness Evolve? –

CIO – United Mine Workers of America

United Mine Workers

CIO The Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) was the brainchild of John L. Lewis and leaders of seven other unions–Charles Howard, International …

Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), was a federation of unions that organized workers in industrial unions in the United States and Canada from …

Double Murder Charges Still Haunt Ex-Raven Linebacker Ray Lewis ……/double-murder-charges-still-haunt-ex-raven-linebacker-raylewi
Nov 5, 2015 – Ray Lewis was leaving a Super Bowl party in 2000 when 2 men were … GREENE: After that, Ray Lewis kept playing football for more than a …

Slayings not forgotten, Ray Lewis not forgiven – USA Today…/raylewismurder…/1566198…
USA Today

Jan 10, 2013 – Brent Schrotenboer, USA TODAY Sports 2:39 p.m. EDT June 18, 2013 … as Lewis dances into the sunset of his NFL career — the victims’ relatives … Ray Lewis testifies in June 2000 during the murder trial of Reginald Oakley …

Ray Lewis discusses Atlanta murder trial in new autobiography ……/raylewis-discusses-atlanta-murder-trial-in-n…

Oct 20, 2015 – Ray Lewis discusses Atlanta murder trial in new autobiography. In a new book … Ray Lewis played 17 NFL seasons and won 2 Super Bowls.

Ray Lewis: I Was Dressed Too Nice to Kill … On Night of ATL Murders ……/raylewis-i-was-dressed-too-nice-to-kill-on-night-of-murder/
Oct 20, 2015 – Ray Lewis says … when you’re rocking a $250k wardrobe, you’re LESS … incident in Atlanta in 2000 … in which 2 people were stabbed to death during an …. Ex-NFL Running Back Indicted As Member of ‘Terrifying’ Drug Ring.

 Lewis discusses Atlanta murder trial

  Witnesses said six men fought and argued with the two victims, Jacinta Baker, 21, and Richard Lollar, 24, both of Decatur, Ga.

The six men fled in a black Lincoln Navigator stretch limousine, firing at least five gunshots as they drove away, police said.

Police found the limo, with New York license plates, in a parking lot near the shooting scene, said Atlanta police spokesman John Quigley. Lewis was the only suspect charged, authorities said.
“We’re trying to gather as much information as we can,” said Ravens spokesman Kevin Byrne, adding team officials had not spoken with Lewis.

Lewis was drafted by Baltimore in the first round in 1996 after leaving the University of Miami following his junior season. He was the Ravens’ MVP this season and in 1997.

The six men fled in a black Lincoln Navigator stretch limousine, …
Baker’s blood was found inside of Lewis’s limousine. ..
While the group walked over to the limousine that Lewis had rented for the …

 limousine that Lewis
 limousine that Lewis
 li    mous   –> language interface  Lewis

Ray Lewis

Ray optics / eyes    for reading Lewis Carroll


Optic ray   + Lewis Carroll   –>
……….ray   lewis       car/limousine   …data generating EVENT

Microsoft Windows for your brain bio-computer – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Microsoft Windows (or simply Windows) is a metafamily of graphical operating systems developed, marketed, and sold by Microsoft. It consists of several families …

What is Microsoft Windows? Webopedia Definition

Windows dominates the personal computer world, running, by some estimates, on 90% of all personal computers.

… in other words…. 

What is Microsoft Windows and the Central Nervous system? Webopedia Definition

Windows dominates the personal computer world   and the HUMAN person computer ……
.BOSTON Marathon  race  people  running 26 miles, by some estimates, on 90% of all person computers that talk bull-shit.

Baker’s blood was found inside of Lewis’s limousine.
Baker’s blood was found inside of Lewis’s limousine.
Baker’s blood was found inside of Lewis’s   …….sine

Nikola Tesla’s Earthquake Machine – The Excluded Middle

In the last years of the 19th century, technological alchemist Nikola Tesla may … A vibration sent through the earth returns an “echo signature” using the same …

The whole earth is alive with electrical vibrations in which he takes part. The atmosphere crushes him with a pressure of from sixteen to twenty tons, according, 

Slayings not forgotten, Ray Lewis not forgiven – USA Today…/raylewismurder…/1566198…
USA Today

Jan 10, 2013 – Brent Schrotenboer, USA TODAY Sports 2:39 p.m. EDT June 18, 2013. It has been 13 years since two friends were murdered in Atlanta … Ray Lewis pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice after being … Having fled the crime scene, Lewis told the limo’s passengers to …. He also blames the NFL and Ravens.

Nov 5, 2015 – Ray Lewis was leaving a Super Bowl party in 2000 when 2 men were stabbed … GREENE: After that, Ray Lewis kept playing football for more than a decade, … I mean, there was – there are things like blood found in your limo.

Ray Lewis limousine …..
Ray………………….sin   wave functions 

Judge sets date for former officer Ray Tensing’s  …..
  murder trial | Local …


Feb 11, 2016 – CINCINNATI —We now know when former UC Police officer Ray Tensing will stand trial for murder. … Officer Ray Tensing has been indicted on a murder charge in the July 19 fatal shooting of Sam DuBose. … Tensing, a former UC Police officer is charged with murder for shooting and killing …


Apr 6, 2016 – A Hamilton County judge got a pretrial update in the case of a former University of Cincinnati police officer charged with murder in the fatal …

Sep 11, 2015 – CINCINNATI – The fatal shooting of Sam DuBose by University of Cincinnati officer Ray Tensing was “not justified” and violated department …

Instead, it shows Tensing reaching through the driver’s window and shooting …
Instead, it shows Tensing reaching through the driver’s window and shooting …

Windows 10 in Cincinnati – Microsoft

Microsoft Corporation

Learn about the new features in Windows 10, including the return of the Start Menu, Cortana, and Microsoft Edge.


Windows 10 is a personal computer operating system developed and released by Microsoft as part of the Windows NT family of operating systems.

Through the Looking-Glass
at   Nature’s  atoMIC  software expression company 

………………………  MIC.rosoft  looking-glass communication problems
and violations of the periodic atomic table SYMBOL MACHINE  
Hierarchy problem…….

– Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There  in Microsoft WINDOWS  (1871) is a novel by Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson), the sequel to Alice’s Adventures in …

Publisher‎: ‎Macmillan
Author‎: ‎Lewis Carroll

Bill & Melinda Gates ….. Logic Gates  … ERROR  Foundation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation of incomplete explanations
 about REALITY  and SYSTEMS   ……… and human bio-computers

Instead, it shows Tensing reaching through the driver’s window and shooting …
Instead, it shows Tensing reaching through the driver’s window and shooting …

Instead, it shows Tensing reaching through the driver’s window and shooting …

Instead, it shows Ten TEN  …..sub-routine driver’s  shooting 

Microsoft Windows 10 review with Samuel DuBose

– CNET › Software › Operating Systems
Review by Nate Ralph

Jul 28, 2015 – Microsoft Windows 10 Home (OEM) … The Good Windows 10 bridges the gap between PCs and tablets without alienating anyone. … Windows 10 is the Goldilocks version of Microsoft’s venerable PC operating system — a “just right” compromise between the familiar dependability of Windows 7, and …

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 Printer Drivers, 
Video Drivers –>   to  CAUSE  ,……. Hengel pulled out a gun and shot the movie projector and ordered …
Sound Drivers –> for the human mouth to talk bull-shit and nonsense 
USB Drivers –> UBER  taxi drivers and their bio-computer brain USB sub-routine driver implant 

2016 Kalamazoo shootings – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


On the night of February 20, 2016, a series of apparently random shootings took place at an apartment complex, a car dealership, and outside a restaurant in Kalamazoo County, Michigan. Six people were killed and two others were injured. Police detained a 45-year-old Uber driver, 

Jason Brian Dalton, as a “strong …
Jason Brian Dalton, as a “strong ..
Jason Brian Dalton, as a “strong ..  the attack upon the atomic brain   …..

John  (Brain)    Dalton, as a “strong  ..

John Dalton – Biography, Facts and Pictures  VIA   Jason Dalton

 – Famous Scientists

Lived 1766 – 1844. John Dalton’s Atomic Theory laid the foundations of modern chemistry. John Dalton’s Early Life and Education John Dalton was born on.

Special Relativity: Tensor Calculus and Four-Vectors Looking ahead …

University of Maryland, College Park

introduce the mathematics of tensors and four-vectors. The Mathematics of … For spacetime, you need four numbers: e.g., t, x, y, and z. Naturally, the essence of …

Zinc finger – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


A zinc finger is a small protein structural motif that is characterized by the coordination of one or more zinc ions in order to stabilize the fold.

PDB-101: Zinc Fingers
by I Geis – ‎Related articles

Zinc Fingers. Zinc ions are used to strengthen small protein modules that recognize DNA. Zinc fingers from TFIIIA bound to DNA (left) and ribosomal RNA (right).

Carbon Dioxide Emissions | Climate Change | US EPA…/ghgemissions…
United States Environmental Protection Agency

May 26, 2016 – Global Warming Potential (100-year) 1. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the primary greenhouse gas emitted through human activities. In 2014, CO2 accounted for about 80.9% of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions from human activities.

CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita) | Data – The World Bank

CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita).

 Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, 

 Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, 
 Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, 
 Carbon Dioxide Information Anal  …..Center  of the asshole  …..
 her brain data records become rev –> .rectum output ,

 Environmental Sciences Division,

 Environmental Sciences Division,
 Environmental Sciences Division,
 ………….mental Sciences Division,

 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, …
 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 
 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 
 Oak Ridge National  …bora ……..

Bora Bora (1968 film) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bora Bora is a 1968 Italian   film, directed by Ugo Liberatore. The story is about an estrange married couple, who reconcile their differences in the …

Greenhouse gas emissions | Environment | The Guardian

The Guardian
Guardian Environment Network EPA ruling on aircraft emissions paves way for …. Notes & Theories Thanks to CO2 emissions, the smell of the sea is changing.

Environment |

Environment  and Computer Earth 

Charlie Rose: The Week | Home | PBS

5 days ago – Tune in each week to Charlie Rose: The Week for the defining … Clinton talks about what she would do to foster trust between police and communities. … Clinton says Donald Trump shows a dangerous lack of discipline and …

Watch Charlie Rose The Week videos on demand. … Tune in each week to Charlie Rose The Week for the defining moments in … Learn more about the show.

Watch Full Episodes Online of Charlie Rose

Umpqua Community College shooting – Wikipedia, the free …

The Umpqua Community College shooting occurred on October 1, 2015, at the UCC campus near Roseburg, Oregon, United States. Chris Harper-Mercer, a …

Date‎: ‎October 1, 2015; 10:38 a.m. – 10:48 a.m. …
Perpetrator‎: ‎Christopher Harper-Mercer
Weapons‎: ‎Five handguns
Deaths‎: ‎10 (including the perpetrator)

Charlie Rose (TV series) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Charlie Rose is an American television interview show, with Charlie Rose as executive … [hide]. v · t · e. Current late night talk and news satire comedy shows in the United States …

EinsteinRosen bridge

A wormhole or EinsteinRosen communicaions bridge is a  topological feature that would fundamentally be a shortcut connecting two separate points in spacetime.

Rosen molecular communications bridge failure in Charlie Rose and many others

District of Massachusetts | USAO | Department of Justice

United States Department of Justice

Carmen M. Ortiz was nominated by President Barack Obama, as the United States … than 200 attorneys and support staff in Boston, Worcester and Springfield.

District of Massachusetts

Carmen Ortiz – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to Boston Marathon bombingsOrtiz’s office is leading the investigation into the Boston … that was Islam associated” regarding the Boston Marathon

Carmen Ortiz 

Carmen Ortiz   2 bombs

C………… O       2       …….. war zone with Boston  LUNGS ….  Bull-shit  talkers

Exhalation – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
WikipediaExhalation (or expiration) is the flow of the respiratory current out of the organism. In humans it … lungs. Exhaled air is rich in carbon dioxide  …a data carrier molecule of mass 44 that … and a  waste product of cellular respiration during cell phone waste /nonsense conversation    .. The internal surface of the lungs on average in a non-emphysemic person is normally 63m2 and can hold about 5lts of air volume.

Exhaled air is rich in carbon dioxideExhaled air is rich in carbon dioxide

Exhaled air is rich in carbon dioxide data carrier mass 44 –>   12 + 16 +  16 

Commissioner’s Message —
Boston Police Department

Police Commissioner William B. Evans. The Boston Police Department is a world class organization, and I am deeply honored and humbled that Mayor Walsh …

Boston Police Department
The Police Commissioner is the Executive Head of the Department and is responsible for the management, planning, direction and control of the Department.

Office of the Police Commissioner 

William B. Evans – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

William B. Evans is the Commissioner of the Boston Police Department since January 2014. Contents. [hide].
1 Early life of his atoms and molecules

2 Boston Police Department.
 2.1 Early …

Boston Marathon bombing message event…… Event Information – Boston Athletic Association
Boston Marathon
DISTANCE: 26 MILES and the  26 letters of the  Fe =  Ferrous oxide  iron alphabet

Heme – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Heme  is a cofactor consisting of an Fe2+ (ferrous) ion contained in the centre of a … Hemes are most commonly recognized as components of hemoglobin, the red pigment in blood, but are also found in a number of other biologically …
Heme B · ‎Heme A · ‎Heme C · ‎Heme oxygenase

Carmen Ortiz  2 bombs –>  CO2 codes
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Carmen Milagros Ortiz (born January 5, 1956) is the United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts. In 2009, she was nominated to the position by …

Pressure cooker bomb – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Two pressure cooker bombs were used in the Boston Marathon bombings in April 2013. The pressure cookers were filled with nails, ball bearings, and black powder.

Symbolism | Definition of Symbolism by Merriam-Webster

1 : the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

 by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
 by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

 by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
 by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

New York Daily News

Apr 17, 2013 – The bombs that turned the Boston Marathon into a bloodbath were … and a pressure cooker lid “thought to have been used in the bombings” …

A Brief History of the Boston Pops | Boston Symphony Orchestra | bso … › Home › About Us › History/Archives
Boston Symphony Orchestra

In 1900 these performances officially became Pops (short for “Popular”) concerts. “The Boston Pops Orchestra performs the best music of the past and present, …

Bombastic | Define the Bombastic BOSTON bombing

pompous, grandiloquent, turgid, florid, grandiose. Bombastic, flowery, pretentious, verbose all describe a use or a user of language more elaborate than is .

The bombastic, bull-shit, and bragging city

 | Definition of Bombastic by Merriam-Webster

Define bombastic: marked by or given to bombast : pompous, overblown — bombastic in a sentence.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Dzhokhar Anzorovich “Jahar” Tsarnaev is a Kyrgyzstani-American citizen who was convicted of planting bombs at the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013, …


The Boston Marathon bombing was a terrorist attack, followed by subsequent related shootings, that occurred when two pressure cooker bombs exploded …

Unconscious Mind | Simply Psychology › Perspectives › Psychodynamic › Sigmund Freud
by I Pavlov – ‎Related articles

Sigmund Freud didn’t exactly invent the idea of the conscious versus unconscious mind, but he certainly was responsible for making it popular and this was one …


Jump to Freud’s viewSigmund Freud and his followers developed an account of the unconscious mind. It plays an important role in psychoanalysis.

Freud Selection: The Unconscious
Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
Conscious, Unconscious, Preconscious. The starting point for this investigation is provided by a fact without parallel, which defies all explanation or …

Freud Selection: The Unconscious

United Nations  on unconscious people with penis HEAD intellect 

 – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization to promote international co-operation. A replacement for the ineffective League of Nations, the …

Strategic Arms (elbows, mouth)  Limitations Talks  (SALT code)

Treaty (SALT treaty ..the sodium chloride treaty) – Office of the Historian

Office of the Historian

Nixon and Soviet General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev signed the ABM Treaty and interim SALT agreement on May 26, 1972, in Moscow. For the first time during the Cold War, the United States and Soviet Union had agreed to limit the number of nuclear missiles in their arsenals.

 the number of nuclear missiles in their arsenals.
 the number of nuclear missiles in their arsenals.
 the number of nuclear miss        ………..arse   …miss pussy ..piece of ass /assets

FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation | Facebook › … › Government Organization
Rating: 1.2 – ‎72,942 votes

FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington, DC. 1776113 likes · 21269 talking about this · 60933 were here. Welcome to the official FBI…

Functions (a +bi)  ……..   applied math investigators

Proudly called, “West Point for Law Enforcement,’ the FBI Academy occupies 547 acres on a Marine Corps base in Quantico, Virginia, just 40 miles from …

Carmen Ortiz and   s,p orbitals   ……the sp – spanish Language bias problems .- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Carmen Milagros Ortiz (born January 5, 1956) is the United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts. In 2009, she was nominated to the position by …

Carmen Orbital Ortiz  need for the FBI  and Al Gore  for her gestalt completion  codes- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Carmen Milagros Ortiz (born January 5, 1956)  

Algorithm representative Al Gore- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In mathematics and computer science, an algorithm ( i/ˈælɡərɪðəm/ AL-gə-ri-dhəm) is a self-contained step-by-step set of operations to be performed. Algorithms perform calculation, data processing, and/or automated reasoning tasks.

Khan Academy
We’ve partnered with Dartmouth college professors Tom Cormen and Devin Balkcom to teach introductory computer science algorithms, including searching, sorting, recursion, and graph theory. … Intro to algorithms. … Learn selection sort, a simple algorithm for sorting an array of values …

Boston Marathon 26 miles atomic number DEMO
– Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Boston Marathon is an annual marathon hosted by several cities in greater Boston in ….
The course runs through 26 miles of the EARTH iron core …..  EARTH surface  magnetic field

Scheme | Define Scheme at

any system of correlated things, parts, etc., or the manner of its arrangement. 6. a plan, program, or policy officially adopted and followed, as by a government or business: The company’s pension scheme is very successful.

a clever and often dishonest plan to do or get something. : an official plan or program of action. : the way that something is arranged or organized. Source: …

Warren Buffett in Omaha for Berkshire’s annual meeting –…/warrenbuffett-in-omaha-for-berkshires-annual-meeting.htm…
Apr 30, 2016 – Warren Buffett and his longtime business partner Charlie Munger appeared before thousands of Berkshire Hathaway shareholders in Omaha today. … Buffett says most of the calories in Coke come from sugar. He personally …

Buffett defends Berkshire’s big Coke stake –

May 2, 2016 – Warren Buffett vigorously defended his long-standing investment in … Speaking at Berkshire’s annual shareholder meeting in Omaha, …

Feb 25, 2015 – The Oracle of Omaha stays youthful by drinking at least five Cokes a day. Turns out, the … Warren Buffett and his Cherry Coke. Photograph by …

Warren Buffett’s Coke response – Business Insider

Shooting of Michael Brown – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri, a northern suburb of St. Louis. Brown, an 18-year-old black man, was fatally …
Date‎: ‎August 9, 2014
Non-fatal injuries‎: ‎Darren Wilson (during strug…
Location‎: ‎Ferguson, Missouri‎, U.S
Charges‎: ‎None filed

Ferguson protests:
What we know about FermiLAB  bio-physics and the Department of Energy cover-up schems ……Michael Brown’s last minutes …


What happened in the encounter between Officer Darren Wilson and Michael Brown? Here is a look at what is known and what remains to be discovered.

the encounter between Officer Darren Wilson 
the encounter between Officer Darren Wilson 
the encounter between Officer Darren Wilson  AND Wilson Hall atomic social science  BS

Wilson Hall And Ramsey Auditorium Fermilab High Energy Physics ……/121823350
Getty ImagesView Stock Photo of Wilson Hall And Ramsey Auditorium Fermilab High Energy Physics Research Lab Batavia Near Chicago Illinois Usa. Find premium …

Fermilab | Visit Fermilab | Hours, Maps and Directions on how to bull-shit and give incomplete explanations about tragic signaling EVENTS 


7 days ago – The ground and first floor of Wilson Hall are open to the public every day from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Science and educational displays, as well as …

Fermilab | Home of atomic breeder reactor technology adapted to
the atomic, bio-physics BEDROOM with the atomic penis nuclear control rod  


Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.

Fermilab is America’s premier particle physics laboratory. Collaborating with scientists from around the world, we perform ..

Fermilab is America’s premier particle physics laboratory.
Fermilab is America’s premier particle physics laboratory.
Fe  –> Females….   America’s premier pussy particle physics labor  ……  pregnancy laboratory.

What Happened in Fer –> FermiLAB that transferred to  Fer – Ferguson? – The New York Times

The New York Times

Aug 10, 2015 – Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, was shot and killed on Aug. 9, 2014, by Darren Wilson, a white police officer, in Ferguson, Mo., …

Pepsi – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Pepsi is a carbonated soft drink that is produced and manufactured by PepsiCo. Created and developed in 1893 and introduced as Brad’s Drink, it was renamed …

Related products‎: ‎Coca-Cola

Pepsi –

Pounds per square inch (PSI)  – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The converse is pounds per square inch gauge or pounds per square inch gage (psig), indicating that the pressure is relative to atmospheric pressure. For example, a bicycle tire pumped up to 65 psi above local atmospheric pressure (say, 14.7 psia locally), will have a pressure of 65 + 14.7 = 79.7 psia or 65 psig.

Multiples · ‎Magnitude · ‎Conversions · ‎See also

Pound Per Square Inch Conversion Chart (Stress and Pressure …

Conversion chart for pound per square inch (British and U.S. (Imperial system), pressure conversion). Instant units and measurements conversion, metric

Ezra Pound – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Ezra Weston Loomis Pound (30 October 1885 – 1 November 1972) was an expatriate American poet and critic, and a major figure in the early modernist …

Poetry Foundation

Of all the major literary figures in the twentieth century, Ezra Pound has been one of the most controversial; he has also been one of modern poetry’s most …

Weights and Measures – Ezra Pound …….
National Institute of Standards and Technology

National Institute of Standards and Technology

Apr 22, 2009 – The Office of Weights and Measures promotes uniformity in U.S. weights and measures laws, regulations, and standards to achieve equity between buyers and sellers in the marketplace. This enhances consumer confidence, enables U.S. businesses to compete fairly at home and abroad, and strengthens the U.S. economy.

Division of Bureau of Weights and Measures

New York

The mission of the Bureau of Weights and Measures is to promote equity in all commercial transactions based on weight or measure.

Two-liter bottle – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Russian market 2.5 liter, 2 liter and 1.5 liter beer bottles. The two-liter bottle is a common container for soft drinks. These bottles are produced from …

History · ‎Recycling · ‎Inventive uses · ‎See also

Two-liter humanoid bottle –

Westroads Mall shooting – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Westroads Mall shooting was a mass shooting that occurred on December 5, 2007, at the Von Maur department store in the Westroads Mall in Omaha, …

Details · ‎Aftermath · ‎The shooter · ‎See also
The Westroads Mall shooting was a mass shooting that occurred on December 5, 2007, at the Von Maur department store in the Westroads Mall in Omaha, Nebraska, United States. Nineteen-year-old Robert A. Hawkins killed nine people (including himself) and wounded four, two of them critically

Oklahoma City Oklahoma (OCO)   bombing –

Facts & Summary of incomplete, biased explanation –
On April 19, 1995, a truck-bomb explosion outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, left 168 people dead and hundreds more injured. … Until September 11, 2001, the Oklahoma City bombing was the worst terrorist attack to take place on U.S. soil.

The Oklahoma City Bombing and
the rigged information choreography Trial of Timothy J. McVeigh…/ftrials/mcveigh/…
University of Missouri–Kansas City

Prosecutor Joseph Hartzler began his opening statement in the Timothy McVeigh trial by reminding the jury of the terror and the heartbreak: “Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, April 19th, 1995, was a beautiful day in Oklahoma City — at least it started out as a beautiful day. The sun was shining.

DNA – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule that carries the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning and reproduction of all known living …

National Human Genome Research Institute
The answer lies in a molecule called deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which contains the biological instructions that make each species unique. DNA, along with …

Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Fact Sheet

Berkshire Hathaway

BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY INC. 3555 Farnam Street Omaha … A Message From Warren E. Buffett … Warren Buffett’s Letters to Berkshire Shareholders Updated …


Berkshire Hathaway Inc. is an American multinational conglomerate holding company … In 1962, Warren Buffett began buying stock in Berkshire Hathaway after noticing a pattern in the price direction of its stock whenever the company closed …

Number of employees‎: ‎331,000 (2015)
Total equity‎: ‎US$ 255.55 billion (2015)
Total assets‎: ‎US$ 552.25 billion (2015)
Revenue‎: ‎US$ 210.82 billion (2015)

Hathaway Closes Maine Factory, Last Major U.S. Shirt Plant ……/hathaway-closes-maine-factory-last-major-…
The New York Times

Oct 20, 2002 – Like Arrow and Van Heusen, C. F. Hathaway shirts will live on, but they will no longer carry the ”Made in the USA” label. The plant here closed …

Berkshire Hathaway – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

Berkshire hog
Berkshire hog
Berkshire hog

Berkshire hog
Berkshire hog
Berkshire hog  bio-math  function … ort. hog.onal  

Thus  …Nature’s   systems ….  the TRUE  owners of Berkshire Hathaway company  with
 human bio-electron FET circuits of  Warren buf.FET

The Two Cultures – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Two Cultures is the title of the first part of an influential 1959 Rede Lecture by British scientist and novelist C. P. Snow. Its thesis was that “the intellectual life of the whole of western society” was split into the titular two cultures — namely the sciences and the humanities — and that this was a major hindrance to solving the world’s problems. …

Snow’s position can be summed up by an often-repeated part of the essay:

A good many times I have been present at gatherings of people who, by the standards of the traditional culture, are thought highly educated and who have with considerable gusto been expressing their incredulity at the illiteracy of scientists. Once or twice I have been provoked and have asked the company how many of them could describe the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The response was cold: it was also negative. Yet I was asking something which is the scientific equivalent of: Have you read a work of Shakespeare’s?[5]
I now believe that if I had asked an even simpler question — such as, What do you mean by mass, or acceleration, which is the scientific equivalent of saying, Can you read? — not more than one in ten of the highly educated would have felt that I was speaking the same language. So the great edifice of modern physics goes up, and the majority of the cleverest people in the western world have about as much insight into it as their neolithic ancestors would have had.[5]